Building Tax online payment As we are Indian citizen we have to pay different taxes every year such as land tax, building tax, plantation tax etc. Land tax is one of such tax that have to pay in Panchayath, municipality or corporation depending upon the belonging area. Tax amount depends upon the belonging area under which your building comes in and the nature of building. When the construction work of your new house has completed, you have to pay one time tax in village office. The one time tax is possible only if total area of building below 3000 sq ft.
Above 3000sq ft it considered as luxury and have to pay luxury tax every year. In spite of it every building owners excluding some building described in the act, should pay building tax in corresponding panchayath, municipality or corporation every year. Usually most of us forget tax payment as it has to done once in a year. As we lead a busy life, we haven’t enough time to stand in a long queue for payment.
Moreover it is difficult for people residing outside Kerala. Sometimes we need various previous payment receipts for different purposes. Now as a part of e-governance various stand alone systems and service are integrated to produce more productive service. This e-governing system is more advantageous that you can access it at any time from anywhere. This system ensures your data security without leaking your personal information. If you are internet literate and certain with do online payment, everything is easy. As Kerala government let online payment you can do it your own. This site may be inactive in some districts or panchayath. In such situation you had better make enquirers to the helpline number provided on the site. You can also make use of paid services provided by different e-centers, if you are uncertain or internet illiterate.