To know the fair value of land in a place. This is a government link to find out the fair value of land. You can easily determine the fair value of the land you own from this government site. This website shows you the reasonable land prices available in any part of Kerala. We can claim that it is a government website which is very useful for land holders. Let us see how we can estimate fair land value.
On this website you can see which year the land is given at fair value. From this you will get the annual land price rate as stated therein. This site shows you the fair value of the improved land as per Gazette Notification SRO No. 266/2020 dated 31/03/2020. In other words, keep in mind that this site includes an improved fair price based on gazette notifications published up to 31/03/2020.
Open the link and click on “click here to search fair value of land” The next page will show you the form to find out the fair value of the land in your area and fill it out there. Feel it in there correctly. Once everything is filled in correctly, clicking on “view faivalue” will show you the fair value of the land. That being said, you too can easily find the fair value of the land. This is a government site that is very useful to all ordinary people. You all need to pay attention to what is said in Disclaimer. You should read and understood the Disclaimer on the left side of the website as soon as you open this website. Today we have a number of government sites like this that are useful in the daily lives of ordinary people.