To change the number and name on the vaccine certificate. Covid-19 Vaccine certificate Rectification : I am sure most of us are already done with both the doses of the Covid-19 vaccination . However some certificates have errors that need to be rectified. Hence Cow-in website has an option/ a feature introduced wherein one can edit/correct certain fields like the photo ID (Aadhaar card number, passport number ,PAN card number), name, date of birth and gender .
The changes that will be done are irreversible and it’s a one time activity. Also note that the provisional certificate cannot be edited , only the above mentioned details of the final certificate can be rectified. We need to first login to the Cow-in website . Login using the registered mobile number that was used during the vaccination ,enter the OTP that will be sent on that number. Now u will see a feature raise an issue ,once you tap on this option u can select the member and choose correction in certificate. Under self correction choose the field to be corrected and enter the right information. Once done please submit, rectification will be done. Similarly we can do it for other members registered for vaccination using the same phone number.
Transfer vaccine details to a new mobile number: This situation arises incase an individual has used some friend’s/relative’s mobile number to register for the Covid-19 vaccination. An important point to remember in this scenario is that once the transfer is done ,it’s irreversible that is we cannot transfer it back. To start with we need to go to the Cow-in website and login with the old mobile number that was registered, enter the OTP then tap on raise an issue . We have to choose transfer a member to a new mobile number .Choose the member’s name to which you want to transfer the details to, enter the mobile number of that member and tick the checkbox below ,then click on continue . OTP received on the new number needs to be entered and finally tap on submit. Request to transfer member will be completed successfully now . Re login into the Cow-in website using the new number and you will be able to view all the vaccine related details there. Incase the old mobile number is lost there is no way we can do the transfer and will need to register again on the Cow-in website. Apart from the above features Cow-in website has some more features like Merge your vaccine doses and Add your passport details. All these options are available under the option ‘ Raise an issue’.
CLICK HERE : Covid Vaccine Certificate Name Correction
CLICK HERE : Covid Vaccine Certificate Download