How to find records of last six months Aadhaar card usage history?

How to find records of last six months Aadhaar card usage history? Aadhaar is the unique id card provided to Indian citizen for multi usages.Now most of the people are busy in e-centers for Aadhaar cards as it is mandatory in receiving various Sarkar benefits, especially common people in Kerala accept Sarkar benefits in one or in another form. Although now linking of Aadhaar number is essential for pan-card, mobile phone sim card, bank account.

Provident fund, insurance etc, government is going to insists Aadhaar card in all government social welfare sectors. Some times we may get confused  that in where and what all different purposes your Aadhaar number is linked with.But most of you hasn’t any idea about finding it. It is very easy to find various areas where your Aadhaar card has been used within last six months.You can find it from the  Aadhaar authentication history provided on Aadhaar website.

You can follow these steps: Step 1: Click on the given link provided below.You can find Aadhaar authentication history under Aadhaar services tab. Step 2:Type 12 digit Aadhaar number in the boxes provided under Aadhaar authentication history. Step 3:Then you can see boxes for typing 4 digit security code. Step 4: Click on the link provided for generating OTP. You will receive OTP to the mobile number used in registration. Step 5: You have to type authentication type, date, number of records and OTP in newly opened page. Authentication type:You have to select any of the choice from the drop down list. The list shows different options such as demographic, bio- metric, all, demographic & amp; bio-metric, demographic and OTP, bio-metric and OTP. You need to select all option out of these. Date range:You need to select date range from the list.Here you can see dates within last six months. Record number:Here you can type number records you want to see in a single page. The maximum number of records you can see in a single page all at once is around 50 records. OTP: Here you need to type received OTP. Step 6:After all these steps click submit button. It will enlist preferred number records within the given date range. In case you find any anomalies or unauthenticated  use of your Aadhaar number, you can register complaint in UIDAI by calling the toll free number 1947.