e-health | Purchase of government hospital OP ticket from home. OP tickets can be booked at home before going to the hospital. The new scheme of the government will greatly benefit all the people. The government has done a lot of things through this website that will benefit the people. The most beneficial thing for the general public is that we get the services of a doctor by booking in advance online at more than 300 hospitals that are convenient to us according to eHealth and on a fixed date and time.
Let us see in detail how to create a unique Health ID. In order for us to receive services through eHealth, you must first create an identification number on this site. To do so, go to the portal https://ehealth.kerala.gov.in and click on the register link. Type your Aadhaar number in the space provided by the Aadhaar number. Then OTP will come to your Aadhaar registered mobile number. After entering this OTP you will get your online personal health identification number. When you log in for the first time, you will receive a 16-digit personal health identification number and password as a message on your mobile phone.
With this identification number and password you will be able to make an appointment to the hospital on the due date and time very quickly. How can you make an appointment to see a doctor? Log in to this portal with the identification number and password you received when you logged in and then click on New Appointment. If it is a referral, record that information and then select the hospital information and department without errors. Then you can see the tokens for that day when you select the appointment date in it. Patients can choose the token themselves at a time convenient to them. After that you can also take a token print if you have a printer in your home. If you do not have the ability to print, send an SMS to your mobile. Also available as All you have to do is show this information to the hospital you are going to. If you have any queries regarding these matters which are very helpful to a lot of ordinary people, you can call Directions 104, 1056, 0471 2552056 and 2551056.